Become a Christmas Vendor
The core of our community at the Calgary Farmers’ Market is our vendors. It’s where city and country blend, attracting customers who appreciate quality products made, baked, grown, or produced in Alberta. We’re always on the lookout for unique offerings to expand our vendor community at the Calgary Farmers’ Market.
Calgary Farmers’ Market is Inviting Christmas Vendors
The Calgary Christmas Market is accepting applications for the 2024 season!
For the 2024 Christmas season, the table rental prices are set at $1800 + tax due for the full 6 weeks and upon approval of table. This will include a one 8-foot table with tablecloth, one folding chair and a social media post on the Calgary Farmers’ Market social pages.
- Power and additional lighting are not included in the rental.
- There will be no availability for selling of food or alcohol.
- All vendors must provide two million dollars in liability insurance and list the Calgary Farmers’ Market NGC Inc. and Landlord on the insurance policy for the term.
- If application is accepted for the Christmas Market, Vendors will receive an approval letter with further instructions.
- All applications must be received by 5:00pm on Friday, September 20th, 2024.